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A R6 object that manage the export of metadata and parquet file of the hyper param grid generated in R


This object works by:

  • inherits from the BaseEx class.

  • accept a hyper param grid generated with rpwf_grid_gen_.

  • calculate the hash of the grid and check the hash is in the database.

  • if the hash is found in the database:

    • assign the pin_name associated with the hash of the grid to self$pin_name.

    • check if the grid exists with self$pin_name.

    • if not exists, assign the grid to self$df.

    • if the file exists, then assign NULL to the self$df attribute to stop self$export_parquet() from executing.

  • if the hash is not found in the database:

    • assign the grid to self$df.

    • generate a new pin_name to write the grid.

    • generate a SQL query to update the database with the new hash and new pin_name

  • update the database with the generated SQL query with self$export_db()

  • write the parquet with self$export_parquet()

Super class

rpwf::BaseEx -> RGrid

Public fields


rpwf_grid_gen_() performs necessary clean ups before the grid can be used in python


Inherited methods

Method new()

Create a new instance of the RGrid class. These are grids made by functions such as dials::grid_latin_hypercube and dials::grid_regular. See BaseEx for details of the attributes.


RGrid$new(grid_obj, db_con)



rpwf_grid_gen_() performs necessary clean ups before the grid can be used in python.


a DbCon object, generated by rpwf_connect_db().

Method set_attrs()

Refresh the attributes using the current hash. Needed to be run because it updates the attributes with information from the Db



Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.


RGrid$clone(deep = FALSE)



Whether to make a deep clone.